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Latest sniffer dogs data more proof the program must be scrapped

NSW Greens MP and drug law reform spokesperson Cate Faehrmann has renewed calls to scrap the expensive drug detection dog program after uncovering data showing a $46 million price tag over the last decade, with only one in four of the nearly 95,000 people searched being found with drugs on...

Strata Legislation Amendment Bill 2023 - Second Reading Debate

I speak as The Greens' spokesperson for Fair Trading in support of the Strata Legislation Amendment Bill 2023. The bill amends the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015 and the Strata Schemes Development Act 2015 to provide for changes identified by a statutory review undertaken by the former Government. The consultation...

Building Legislation Amendment Bill 2023 - Second Read Debate

As The Greens spokesperson for building and fair trading, I support the Building Legislation Amendment Bill 2023. The bill amends the Home Building Act 1989, the Building Products (Safety) Act 2017, the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015, the Building and Development Certifiers Act 2018, and the Design and Building Practitioners Act...

Justice Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous) Bill 2023 - Second Reading Debate

As The Greens spokesperson for drug law reform and harm, I contribute to debate on the Justice Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous) Bill 2023. I support the comments of my colleague, Ms Sue Higginson. I will speak specifically about proposed section 23B of the Fines Act 1996, which provides that where an individual has...

Gaza Conflict - Motion

I also signal my disappointment at the wording of the motion before us today, because how we conduct ourselves and what we say in this place matters; it has real-life consequences. But we continue to see members use this extremely complex and sensitive situation to weaponise people's grief, suffering and...

NSW Govt must reinstate electric vehicles incentives following High Court decision: Greens

Following the striking down of a proposed Road-User Charge (RUC) on electric vehicles by the High Court of Australia, the NSW Government must take the sensible approach of reinstating the rebate and stamp duty exemption for EV purchases, says Greens MP and spokesperson for Transport, Cate Faehrmann.

Child Strip Searches - Question Without Notice

My question is directed to the Minister for Agriculture, Minister for Regional New South Wales, and Minister for Western New South Wales, representing the Minister for Police and Counter‑terrorism. Information obtained by the Redfern Legal Centre under the Government Information (Public Access) Act [GIPAA] shows that over the past two...

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice - Private Member's Motion

I support the motion moved by the Hon. Bob Nanva and I thank him for bringing it before the House. A few days are left in the campaign for a First Nations Voice to be enshrined in our Constitution. If there is not one better reason as to why we...

Coastal Harvestable Rights - motion

I oppose the motion by the Opposition. From the outset, this exemplifies how Coalition members do water and how they did policy for the 12 years they were in government. They seeing water falling, hear what their mates are asking for and put in place measures to please those mates....

Drug Laws - Motion

I speak on behalf of The Greens to support the motion as amended. I say from the outset that the extraordinary contribution from the Coalition continues its failed war on drugs and head-in-the-sand approach. It completely ignores the fact that many millions of people in this country take illegal drugs every...