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Treasurer Should Tax Pokies More to Repair Budget: Greens

The Treasurer should increase taxes on poker machines in pubs and clubs across NSW to help repair the budget if the government is deferring increasing taxes on Star Casino out of concerns for workers, said Cate Faehrmann, Greens MP and gambling harm reduction spokesperson.

Dungowan Dam Cancellation a Win for Communities and Common Sense

The cancellation of Dungowan Dam is a win for communities and for common sense says Cate Faehrmann, Greens MP and water spokesperson, after NSW Minister for Water Rose Jackson announced that the Government would not be going ahead with the project in Question Time in the NSW Legislative Council today. ...

Minns & Perrottet must commit to phasing out coal mining in Sydney’s Water Catchment

Dominic Perrottet and Chris Minns must commit to ruling out any new longwall mining in Sydney’s water catchment as well as a timetable to phase it out after it was revealed that one of the last actions by the NSW National Party Water Minister was to hand out water licences...

Greens Announce Plan to Legalise Cannabis in Next Term of Parliament

Cate Faehrmann, Greens MP and drug law reform spokesperson, has today launched the Greens plan to legalise and regulate recreational cannabis in NSW. 

Pill Testing Urgently Needed after Tragic Death at Music Festival: Greens

Following the tragic news of the death of a man from a drug overdose at Sydney’s Transmission Festival this weekend, Cate Faehrmann, Greens MP and drug law reform and harm reduction spokesperson is calling on the Government to urgently implement all recommendations of the Coronial Inquest into the six deaths...

The Govt Shows Contempt for Democratic Process with 5th Introduction of Floodplain Harvesting Regulations

The NSW Water Minister’s introduction of floodplain harvesting regulations for a fifth time shortly before an election shows complete and utter contempt for the voters of NSW, says Cate Faehrmann, Greens MP and water spokesperson.  The NSW Government gazetted regulations to license floodplain harvesting this afternoon after previous regulations were...

TGA Decision on Psychedelic Medicine Will Bring Relief to Thousands

The TGA’s decision today will give thousands of people access to MDMA and psilocybin therapy, says Cate Faehrmann, Greens NSW MP and drug law reform spokesperson.  The TGA announced today that from 1 July this year, medicines containing the psychedelic substances psilocybin and MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine) can be prescribed by specifically...

New Report Shows Coastal NSW As We Know and Love it at Risk from Unchecked Development

A 40-page report released today by Greens MP and planning spokesperson Cate Faehrmann, details a litany of unsustainable and inappropriate developments right along the NSW coast that will take away everything that everybody loves about coastal NSW if they’re allowed to go ahead. The report, “Concreting Our Coast: The developer...

Health Services Amendment (Nurse-to-Patient and Midwife-to-Patient Ratios) Bill speech

Mr President, I proudly rise to introduce the Health Services Amendment (Nurse-to-Patient and Midwife-to-Patient Ratios) Bill 2022.  The Greens fully support the NSWNMA and its demands and this bill gives effect to the majority of the NSW Nurses and Midwives 2022 award claim. 

Greens Introduce Bill for Nurse to Patient Ratios

Greens MP and health spokesperson Cate Faehrmann has introduced a bill to legislate nurse and midwife-to-patient ratios into the NSW Upper House today which would mandate safe levels of staffing in public hospital emergency departments and wards across the state. The Health Services Amendment (Nurse-to-Patient and Midwife-to-Patient Ratios) Bill 2022...