Greens give notice of bill for a Great Koala National Park
Cate Faehrmann Greens MP and spokesperson for the Environment & Wildlife visited the Great Koala National Park Visitor & Information Centre at Urunga today to announce that the Greens will introduce a bill to establish the Great Koala National Park on the Mid North Coast of NSW.
A Win for Rural NSW as Health Inquiry Hearings Live Streamed
The next two public hearings of the Parliamentary Inquiry into Health outcomes and access to health and hospital services in rural, regional and remote NSW will be live streamed after a successful motion by Greens MP and healths spokesperson Cate Faehrmann, who is also a member of the NSW Upper...
Labor and the Government unite to avoid voting on Greens bill to ban coal and gas on the Liverpool Plains
In a cynical move to avoid having to vote on a Greens bill to ban coal and gas mining and exploration on the Liverpool Plains ahead of the Upper Hunter byelection, the Labor, Liberal and National parties have united to send the bill to inquiry says Cate Faehrmann, Greens MP...
New Floodplain Harvesting Regulations are a ‘Death Warrant’ for the Darling River
New floodplain harvesting regulations gazetted today by the NSW Government will mean the end of the Darling-Baaka river and must be disallowed by the NSW Upper House next week, says Cate Faehrmann, Greens MP and water spokesperson.
‘Insider Trading’ in Biodiversity Offsets must be Investigated: Greens
Revelations by The Guardian showing land in western Sydney was sold as biodiversity offsets for millions of dollars more than what it was bought for by individuals who worked for the environmental consultancy recommending the offsets, essentially amounts to insider trading and must be urgently investigated, says Greens MP and...
Greens Call on all Parties to Say No to Hunter Gas Pipeline & Yes to Bill to Ban All Coal & Gas on the Liverpool Plains
Greens MP Cate Faehrmann visited the Liverpool Plains on Monday with Greens candidate for the Upper Hunter, Councillor Sue Abbott to meet with local farmers facing the prospect of the Hunter Gas Pipeline running through their property and to state the Greens opposition to the pipeline.
Government sets Koalas up for extinction
A new Koala SEPP just released by the Government is a win for the logging industry and a huge loss in the fight to save koalas from extinction in NSW, said Cate Faehrmann Greens MP and Spokesperson for the environment.
Govt’s desperate 3rd attempt to legalise floodplain harvesting by subterfuge: Greens & Shooters comment
Cate Faehrmann, Greens MP & water spokesperson and Helen Dalton, the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Member for Murray, have slammed the most recent attempt by the Government to legalise floodplain harvesting as ‘another sneaky and disgraceful move’ by the National Party Water Minister.
NSW Parliament passes Greens motion condemning Pokies Money Laundering
A Greens motion condemning money laundering via poker machines and calling on the Government to urgently prioritise the development of measures that will stamp out the practice passed the NSW Legislative Council with agreement by all parties late last night.