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Methane Leaks Mean Govt Must Cancel Santos Narrabri CSG Project: Greens

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Cate Faehrmann
NSW Greens MP
9 August 2023

Revelations overnight that the dangerous greenhouse gas, methane, is leaking from dozens of NSW coal and gas sites, as well as the potential influence of the state’s gas policy by gas industry consultants, is the hammer that NSW Labor needs to drive the nail into the coffin of the highly destructive Santos Narrabri CSG project, says Cate Faehrmann, Greens MP and Coal & Gas spokesperson.

“More than half of the seven test coal seam gas wells in the Pilliga Forest are leaking, but Santos has plans for a total of 850 coal seam gas wells!  This, combined with doubt thrown in about the independence of the Future of Gas statement, means the statement must be thrown out and Santos’ Narrabri gas project cancelled,” Cate Faehrmann said.

“In NSW and Australia, regulations around greenhouse gas emissions reporting are virtually non-existent.

“Methane emissions are believed to account for about 30% of the global temperature rise since the industrial revolution.

“Currently, fossil fuel companies can self-report their emissions using whatever measurement method they choose. This allows companies to underreport their emissions whenever and however they choose.

“We also know that fugitive methane emissions are 81% higher than reported for the coal industry and 92% higher for the oil & gas industry. 

“On top of that, companies aren’t even required to commit to any real methane reductions. 

“Coal and gas giants have gotten away with polluting our atmosphere and wrecking our climate for far too long. The lack of transparency and accountability when it comes to the activities of fossil fuel companies in this country is criminal when you consider we’re in a climate emergency.

“It’s time that governments held coal and gas companies to account, including by making them stop the methane leaks coming from their mines. If they can’t do this then they need to be shut down. 

“A safe climate depends upon us reining in all greenhouse gas pollution, including from methane leaks,” said Ms Faehrmann.

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Cate Faehrmann
NSW Greens MP
9 August 2023



Centennial Coal’s Plan to Dump Millions of Litres of Toxic Water in Sydney’s Drinking Water Catchment Must Be Rejected

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