Updated Greens portfolio list, includes Cate Faehrmann as Building and Fair Trading spokesperson
Attached is an updated list of portfolio allocations for Greens NSW MPs, including a new portfolio allocation of Building and Fair Trading allocated to Cate Faehrmann MLC.
“Not a day goes by where you don’t hear about another dodgy developer ripping off aspiring homeowners. I’m looking forward to standing with families and communities in their fight for justice in this highly unregulated system,” said Ms Faehrmann.
“The NSW Upper House’s powerful Public Accountability Committee has undertaken two extensive inquiries resulting in cogent and powerful recommendations for reform of this state’s building regulations and oversight, yet not enough has been done since then on the roadway to reform.
“For too long, developers have had it easy in NSW with successive governments allowing them to take advantage of an extremely lax regulatory environment.
“I will be doing everything within my power to improve the terrible situation that thousands of families are facing due to building defects, including working with the Labor minority government to progress much-needed legislative reform in this area,” said Ms Faehrmann.
A complete list of Greens MPs’ portfolio allocations can be downloaded here.