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Cancelling Metro West will be a Massive Betrayal by Labor of Western Sydney: Greens

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Cate Faehrmann
NSW Greens MP
27 July 2023

If Chris Minns cancels the Metro West project it will be a massive betrayal of the people of Western Sydney residents, says Cate Faehrmann, Greens MP and transport and Western Sydney spokesperson.

“This is a massive broken promise by Chris Minns and Western Sydney won’t forgive him if he goes ahead and cancels the Metro West,” said Ms Faehrmann.

“It’s incomprehensible that the Government would choose not to complete a major transport project that is already underway, which has cost taxpayers $8 billion so far, and forced people and businesses to be uprooted through compulsory acquisition.

“If the Government has a concern about the number of stations between Hunter Street and Westmead, it should invest in additional train stations. We know that Silverwater and Camellia for example have been considered as potential stations. 

“The Premier needs to be more visionary when it comes to ensuring that we have a world-class public transport system that can move millions of people around Sydney in years to come.

“Chris Minns has repeatedly said that he intends to fix the housing crisis by improving housing supply in areas with existing infrastructure, particularly around train stations. It’s extremely disappointing therefore that he’s now considering unwinding a key piece of transport infrastructure that would achieve that while delivering for Western Sydney.

“The community is sick of the secrecy surrounding the building of roads and public transport projects in this state. Considering the amount in compensation that the taxpayer is already liable for is likely in the billions, on top of what has already been spent, the public deserve to have a say about whether this should go ahead or not,” said Cate Faehrmann.

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Cate Faehrmann
NSW Greens MP
27 July 2023


Pill Testing at NSW Music Festivals Must Start Boxing Day. And Ditch the Dogs and Strip Searches: Greens

News that the Minns Government is going to trial pill testing at up to a dozen music festivals this summer is welcome, but trials must be in place for the festival blitz that commences on Boxing Day, says Greens MP and drug harm reduction spokesperson Cate Faehrmann.

Drug Summit was always set up to fail, and it (largely) did: Greens

The Government’s drug summit has been fiercely criticised by attendees on the last day, many who say that the whole exercise has excluded diverse and marginalised voices and experiences and many questioning the point of the whole exercise, says Cate Faehrmann, Greens MP and drug law reform and harm reduction...

Drug Summit Priorities and Don’t Wait Until Next Year on Pill Testing

Greens MP and drug law reform and harm reduction spokesperson Cate Faehrmann will attend the two hearings of the drug summit in Sydney today and tomorrow.

Greens urge Minns to stand up to gambling industry’s predictable outrage over proposed new gaming reforms

The Greens are calling on the Minns Government to ignore the pushback from the gambling industry and commit to a mandatory statewide accounts-based system linked to a person’s identity, which is the key recommendation from the Independent Panel on Gaming Reform’s Roadmap released today.