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Aunty Rita Wright - Adjournment Speech

On Saturday night I had the pleasure of emceeing an event in support of the Voice in Western Sydney. The evening was put on by the Kurdish community at its community centre in Kings Park and five Elders from Mt Druitt had been invited to speak. I want to tell...

Electoral Funding Bill Report - Portfolio Committee No. 1 - Premier and Finance

I speak as a participating member of the Portfolio Committee No. 1 - Premier and Finance inquiry into the Electoral Funding Amendment Bill 2023. I participated in the inquiry because The Greens wanted to have a say in it, and also because I am a member of the Joint Standing...

Drug Laws - Question Without Notice

My question is directed to the Minister for Music and the Night-time Economy. In 2019 Deputy State Coroner Harriet Graham had extreme concerns about drug dog operations at music festivals, saying that dogs can precipitate panic ingestion or dangerous preloading, which can in turn increase the risk of serious illness...

Drug Laws - Take Note Debate

I take note of the response by the Hon. John Graham, the Minister for Music and the Night-time Economy, in response to the two tragic deaths that happened as a result of people attending music festivals over the October long weekend. I note with disappointment the response that most action...

Health Services Amendment (Nurse-to-Patient and Midwife-to-Patient Ratios) Bill speech

Mr President, I proudly rise to introduce the Health Services Amendment (Nurse-to-Patient and Midwife-to-Patient Ratios) Bill 2022.  The Greens fully support the NSWNMA and its demands and this bill gives effect to the majority of the NSW Nurses and Midwives 2022 award claim. 

Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2021 Speech

Almost a decade ago, on 23 May 2013 I stood in this place as another bill in support of Voluntary Assisted Dying was voted down 23 votes to 13.

Water Management (General) Amendment (Exemptions for Floodplain Harvesting) Regulation 2020

On behalf of The Greens I support the motion to disallow the Water Management (General) Amendment (Exemptions for Floodplain Harvesting) Regulation 2020. In 2018 the South Australian royal commission described floodplain harvesting as "one of the most significant threats to water security in the Northern Murray‑Darling Basin to both licence holders...

Menindee Lakes - adjournment speech

Two weeks ago I sat having a beer with the President of the Darling River Action Group, Ross Leddra, on his back port at Sunset Strip as we stared out over Menindee Lake. For him and most of the other residents of Sunset Strip, it was their little patch of...

Wildlife Carer Mental Health - question without notice

Ms CATE FAEHRMANN: My question is directed to the Minister for Mental Health, Regional Youth and Women. Following the bushfires some wildlife experts have called for more mental health support for wildlife carers after one study found that almost one‑third of wildlife carers experienced moderate to severe grief in the ordinary...

Casino Control Amendment (Inquiries) Bill 2020

On behalf of The Greens, I speak in support of the Casino Control Amendments (Inquiries) Bill 2020, which amends the Casino Control Act 1992 to clarify that inquiries conducted under the Act have the same powers as a royal commission conducted under the Royal Commissions Act 1923. The bill will...