Donate Life Week
On behalf of The Greens, I support the motion about DonateLife Week. I concur with much of what the Hon. Walt Secord stated in his contribution. I, too, am a registered donor and have spoken to my family about it. I also actively support the campaign for an opt-out system...
Maules Creek Coalmine Biodiversity Offsets call for papers
Ms CATE FAEHRMANN: I move: That private members' business item No. 448 outside the order of precedence be considered in a short form format. Motion agreed to.
1080 Baiting – Question Without Notice
Ms CATE FAEHRMANN (12:38:14): My question is directed to the Minister representing the Minister for Energy and Environment, the Hon. Don Harwin.
Special Commission of Inquiry into the Drug Ice Private Member's Statement
Ms CATE FAEHRMANN (15:09:59): I have before me a very important report that the Government has just released. It is the report of the special commission of inquiry into crystal methamphetamine and other amphetamine-type stimulants, or ice, which Special Commissioner Dan Howard, SC, has been inquiring into for the past 14 months...
Wildlife Carers
Ms CATE FAEHRMANN: I move: (1) That this House notes that: (a) during the horrific and unprecedented 2019-2020 bushfire season, at least 5.3 million hectares, or 6.7 per cent, of New South Wales burnt, with estimates that one billion native animals perished in New South Wales and Victoria alone, not including birds, bats, fish, frogs or insects; (b) countless...
Bushfires Condolence Motion
Ms CATE FAEHRMANN (20:25:43): he last time we were here, before Parliament rose at the end of the year, none of us would have imagined that the fire could be so horrific. These fires defied all predictions, coming earlier, fiercer, longer and more unpredictably than any other.
Bushfires and Threatened Species - Question Without Notice
Ms CATE FAEHRMANN (16:15:07): My question is directed to the Minister representing the Minister for Energy and Environment, the Hon. Don Harwin.
Koalas Need Urgent Intervention to Save Remaining Habitat
Chair of the NSW Parliamentary Inquiry into Koala Populations and their Habitat, Greens MP Cate Faehrmann says that the government must protect koala habitat from logging, development and land clearing if koalas are going to be saved from extinction.
Murray-Darling Basin plan adjournment
Ms CATE FAEHRMAN: The Murray-Darling Basin Plan came about because of a series of environmental crises that jolted a nation into action.What happened next is nothing short of criminal.