Latest sniffer dogs data more proof the program must be scrapped
NSW Greens MP and drug law reform spokesperson Cate Faehrmann has renewed calls to scrap the expensive drug detection dog program after uncovering data showing a $46 million price tag over the last decade, with only one in four of the nearly 95,000 people searched being found with drugs on...
NSW Govt must reinstate electric vehicles incentives following High Court decision: Greens
Following the striking down of a proposed Road-User Charge (RUC) on electric vehicles by the High Court of Australia, the NSW Government must take the sensible approach of reinstating the rebate and stamp duty exemption for EV purchases, says Greens MP and spokesperson for Transport, Cate Faehrmann.
‘Two-strike’ Scheme for Drug Use A Welcome but Small Step: Greens
The news that the Government is set to introduce a ‘two-strike’ pre-court diversionary scheme for personal drug use is a welcome development, however the policy doesn’t go far enough in adopting the recommendations of the Special Commission of Inquiry into the Drug ‘Ice’, says Cate Faehrmann, Greens MP and spokesperson...
Chief Scientist Fish Kill Report: Government must act on Roadmap to Restore Darling-Baaka & Menindee
The full release of the NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer’s Independent review into the 2023 fish deaths in the Darling-Baaka River at Menindee provides a roadmap for returning the Darling-Baaka River and Menindee Lakes to health, said NSW Greens MP and spokesperson for water, Cate Faehrmann.
Central-West Orana REZ transmission lines consultation process ‘farcical’: Inquiry Chair
The Chair of the newly established NSW Upper House Select Committee on the Feasibility of Undergrounding the Transmission Infrastructure for Renewable Energy Projects, Cate Faehrmann MLC, has condemned the Government’s commencement of compulsory acquisition processes in the Central-West Orana Renewable Energy Zone (REZ) prior to receiving planning approval for the...
2nd Strip Search Review Shows Most Police Still Breaching Basic Protocols
Woeful compliance by NSW Police with their own strip searching protocols raises even more concerns about the wellbeing of people at music festivals as the festival season kicks off this October long weekend, says Greens MP and Drug Law Reform & Harm Reduction spokesperson Cate Faehrmann.
New Upper House Committee Established to Further Investigate Underground Transmission Lines
The NSW Upper House has just voted in support of the establishment of a committee to re-examine the issue of Underground Transmission lines after the government-dominated State Development Committee’s previous report was resoundingly rejected by all non-government members and the community.