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Pokies Cashless Card Trial Delayed Under Threat from Industry: Greens

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Cate Faehrmann
NSW Greens MP
22 June 2023

News that the Government’s cashless card trial could be delayed is a sign of the gambling industry's efforts to undermine any attempt to introduce a cashless gambling card, says Cate Faehrmann, Greens MP and gambling harm reduction spokesperson. 

“This has all the hallmarks of the gambling industry running interference to delay the implementation of this trial,” said Cate Faehrmann.

“It doesn’t give you much confidence in the government’s cashless card trial if it can’t even establish a panel to oversee its implementation. 

“The public should be extremely concerned that the reason there’s a delay in establishing the panel is due to pushback from industry. It’s clear that the influence of the gambling industry is alive and kicking under this new government. 

“This Government’s gambling reform has been all style and no substance so far. We’re yet to see a single policy implemented that would substantially reduce the obscene levels of gambling in this state. 

“The gambling industry will always fight a cashless gambling card because it will inevitably mean less dollars into pokies if it stops money laundering and reduces harm.

“Chris Minns must reassure the community that he will stand up to pressure from the gambling industry and not allow it to wreck the trial of a cashless gambling card before it’s even begun,” said Cate Faehrmann. 

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Cate Faehrmann
NSW Greens MP
22 June 2023


Pill Testing at NSW Music Festivals Must Start Boxing Day. And Ditch the Dogs and Strip Searches: Greens

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Drug Summit was always set up to fail, and it (largely) did: Greens

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