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Audit Office’s Damning Review into Sydney Water’s Poor Conservation Record Needs Urgent Inquiry

A damning Audit Office’s report released today into Sydney Water’s performance in water conservation requires urgent intervention by the NSW Premier including an inquiry into the performance of Sydney Water and its systemic failures to ensure a sustainable water supply for Sydney, says Cate Faehrmann, Greens MP and spokesperson on water.

Desal Plant delay means Government must fast track Water Recycling: Greens

The government’s announcement that the desalination plant expansion at Kurnell is delayed should be used as an opportunity to urgently boost Sydney’s water recycling and stormwater harvesting, says Cate Faehrmann Greens MP and spokesperson for Water. 

Now is the time to save the Powerhouse and $1.5 billion

With the resignation of the NSW Arts Minister now is the time for the Premier to step up and scrap his $1.5 billion Powerhouse mistake.

NSW needs an Arts Minister and Carriageworks a Rescue Package. Now.

With news of Carriageworks slipping into voluntary administration overnight, the Premier needs to scrap the Powerhouse Museum relocation and save this iconic space, the largest contemporary multi-arts centre in the country, and immediately appoint an Arts Minister who will stand up for the state’s decimated arts sector.

COVID-19 lockdown raises many unanswered questions

Serious questions remain about how the new NSW Public Health Order issued late last night will be applied, delivered and enforced according to Greens MPs David Shoebridge and Cate Faehrmann, spokespeople for Justice and Health respectively. 

Maules Creek Coalmine Biodiversity Offsets call for papers

Ms CATE FAEHRMANN: I move: That private members' business item No. 448 outside the order of precedence be considered in a short form format. Motion agreed to.

1080 Baiting – Question Without Notice

Ms CATE FAEHRMANN (12:38:14): My question is directed to the Minister representing the Minister for Energy and Environment, the Hon. Don Harwin.

Special Commission of Inquiry into the Drug Ice Private Member's Statement

Ms CATE FAEHRMANN (15:09:59): I have before me a very important report that the Government has just released. It is the report of the special commission of inquiry into crystal methamphetamine and other amphetamine-type stimulants, or ice, which Special Commissioner Dan Howard, SC, has been inquiring into for the past 14 months...

Wildlife Carers

Ms CATE FAEHRMANN: I move: (1) That this House notes that: (a) during the horrific and unprecedented 2019-2020 bushfire season, at least 5.3 million hectares, or 6.7 per cent, of New South Wales burnt, with estimates that one billion native animals perished in New South Wales and Victoria alone, not including birds, bats, fish, frogs or insects; (b) countless...

“Decriminalise drugs”: Special Commission of Inquiry into the Drug “Ice” report released after pressure from Greens MP Cate Faehrmann

Premier Gladys Berejiklian has been forced to release the Special Commission of Inquiry into the Drug ‘Ice’ Report before a Greens motion in the NSW Upper House would have made it public next week.