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West Byron

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Cate Faehrmann
NSW Greens MP
15 January 2008


West Byron Site split into two DA’s; one from Villaworld/Tower Holdings and other a group of ‘local landowners’ called Site R&D.

Having bought the land located off Ewingsdale Road in 2014, Developer Tower Holdings plan to develop ‘Harvest Estate’ over a 61 hectare block comprising 149 dwellings built by either Brighton Homes or Metricon. This was reduced from a 300 lot after the plan by Tower Holdings/Villaworld was rejected by the Byron Shire.

Site R&D plans to subdivide 162 lots including 25 ‘super-lots’, 20 of which are indicated to subdivide into 208 smaller lots.
The Northern Rivers Planning Panel (NRPP) had previously rejected the application in 2019 after deeming the area unsuitable for proposed development due to identified constraints of acid sulphate soils, bushfire vegetation, flood-prone land, high environmental value vegetation, koala habitat and threatened flora and fauna.

In March 2022 the NSW Land and Environment Court determined in favour of the site development. The first release of Tower Holding’s ‘Harvest Estate’ lots are currently for sale/auction.


  • Area Impacted: 108 hectares
  • Flood-prone site: The development land is situated on flood-prone land that has recently experienced extreme levels of flooding, a key reason behind the DA’s rejection in 2019.
  • Housing affordability: No guarantee the development will offer affordable housing
  • Strain on road infrastructure: No plans to update road infrastructure to accommodate additional residents.


  • Koala
  • Wallum froglet
  • Wallum Sedge-Frog


  • Byron Residents’ Group
  • Byron Bay Vision


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Cate Faehrmann
NSW Greens MP
15 January 2008


Pill Testing at NSW Music Festivals Must Start Boxing Day. And Ditch the Dogs and Strip Searches: Greens

News that the Minns Government is going to trial pill testing at up to a dozen music festivals this summer is welcome, but trials must be in place for the festival blitz that commences on Boxing Day, says Greens MP and drug harm reduction spokesperson Cate Faehrmann.

Drug Summit was always set up to fail, and it (largely) did: Greens

The Government’s drug summit has been fiercely criticised by attendees on the last day, many who say that the whole exercise has excluded diverse and marginalised voices and experiences and many questioning the point of the whole exercise, says Cate Faehrmann, Greens MP and drug law reform and harm reduction...

Drug Summit Priorities and Don’t Wait Until Next Year on Pill Testing

Greens MP and drug law reform and harm reduction spokesperson Cate Faehrmann will attend the two hearings of the drug summit in Sydney today and tomorrow.

Greens urge Minns to stand up to gambling industry’s predictable outrage over proposed new gaming reforms

The Greens are calling on the Minns Government to ignore the pushback from the gambling industry and commit to a mandatory statewide accounts-based system linked to a person’s identity, which is the key recommendation from the Independent Panel on Gaming Reform’s Roadmap released today.