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Nurses & Midwives Let Down by Ratios Backdown: Greens

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Cate Faehrmann
NSW Greens MP
5 May 2022

Nurses and midwives across NSW have been let down by the major parties’ refusal to back nurse to patient ratios, which are vital for the safety of nurses, midwives and their patients, says Cate Faehrmann, Greens MP and health spokesperson. 

It was reported in the SMH today that both government and opposition members of the Regional, Rural and Remote Health Inquiry voted down any inclusion of a recommendation calling for the implementation of nurse to patient ratios in the committee's final report, which will be released this morning. 

“Nurses, midwives and their union know that ratios are essential to creating a safe workplace and ensuring the safety of their patients,” said Cate Faehrmann, the Greens member of the NSW Legislative Council’s Health Committee.

“Throughout the inquiry we heard of horrific situations caused by chronic understaffing in regional hospitals, like a single nurse being left to care for dozens of patients with sometimes deadly consequences. The solution to this problem must include safe nurse-to-patient ratios.

“If the staffing crisis in our public hospital system continues to be ignored, we will see even more nurses resigning which our hospitals simply cannot sustain, particularly in regional NSW. If the Liberal and Labor parties won’t act to legislate ratios to make our hospitals safe again, the Greens will.

“Both Queensland and Victoria have legislated nurse to patient ratios with South Australia actively considering the issue. With nurses and midwives indicating they will strike until their demands for a safe workplace are listened to, I’m calling on the NSW Government - and Labor should they win the next state election - to do the same,” said Ms Faehrmann. 

Cate Faehrmann has given notice in the Legislative Council of a bill to legislate nurse to patient ratios. 

The final report will be released today and uploaded here between 9:30 and 10:00 am.  Cate Faehrmann will be available for comment. 

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Cate Faehrmann
NSW Greens MP
5 May 2022


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