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Koalas Need Urgent Intervention to Save Remaining Habitat

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Cate Faehrmann
NSW Greens MP
15 January 2020

Chair of the NSW Parliamentary Inquiry into Koala Populations and their Habitat, Greens MP Cate Faehrmann says that the government must protect koala habitat from logging, development and land clearing if koalas are going to be saved from extinction.

“Koala populations in NSW were already in a desperate state before these fire but now they are on the verge of extinction. Without major intervention the koala will almost certainly go extinct,” said Cate.

“It’s fantastic that both the state and federal governments have said they will do whatever it takes to protect the koala after so many have been killed in these awful fires. Now they need to back up their words with urgent action.

“After these devastating fires, we must preserve every remaining bit of koala habitat in our state. This includes stopping developments that threaten koala populations such as the Shenhua Coal Mine in Gunnedah and Lendlease’s proposed housing development at Mt Gilead. 

“The state government must also finally consider the proposal for a Great Koala National Park on the beautiful mid-north coast of NSW. Much of the area has been untouched by this season’s fires and has a large, healthy and growing koala population, but remains under threat from logging.

“It’s not just Australians that love koalas, the entire world is urging us to act to save them. Protecting koalas means protecting our forests which is also habitat for countless other threatened species which have been hammered by these ferocious fires,” Cate said.


Contact: Jacob Miller - 0428 837 292

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Cate Faehrmann
NSW Greens MP
15 January 2020


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