Menindee Lakes Water Savings Project also to be examined by Dams Inquiry
The NSW Parliamentary Inquiry established last month to examine the rationale for, and impacts of, new dams has now had its Terms of Reference expanded to be able to also inquire into the Menindee Lakes Water Savings Project.
The Inquiry’s original Terms of Reference covered the Wyangala, Mole River and Dungowan Dam projects, the Macquarie River re-regulating storage project and the Western Weirs project.
After a visit by the Committee’s Chair Cate Faehrmann MLC a fortnight ago to the Lower Darling and Menindee Lakes, the decision was made by members of the Legislative Council’s Planning and Environment Committee to expand the Terms of Reference to include the Scheme.
“I was convinced during my visit to Menindee Lakes and meeting with members of the Darling River Action Group that the committee’s work would not be complete without a thorough examination of the justification for the Menindee Lakes Water Savings Project,” Ms Faehrmann said.
“This project is going to have a significant impact on local communities, as well as on waterbirds and native fish that rely upon a healthy interconnected lakes system. With members of the Stakeholder Advisory Group recently agreeing to abandon consultation until their questions pertaining to data on diversions, storages and reductions in flow are answered, this Inquiry couldn’t be more timely.
“The residents of Sunset Strip along with all other stakeholders deserve to be heard. This Inquiry might be the best opportunity for communities to finally get some answers from the NSW Government as to why the Darling River and Menindee Lakes seem to be forgotten about,” said Ms Faehrmann.
The submission deadline has been extended for two weeks to 6 October 2020.
Submissions to the inquiry can be made here.
More information: Jacob Miller 0428 837 292