Time to stop persecuting party-goers, decriminalise drug use
Greens MP and spokesperson for drug law reform & harm reduction, Cate Faehrmann, has today called out the NSW government’s failed drug laws and demanded an end to the persecution of people for simply wanting to have fun.
ALERT: Greens bring Psychedelics to NSW Parliament
In the inaugural event of a series of Science in the House forums, Greens MP Cate Faehrmann hopes to spark a discussion about the potential benefits of psychedelics used as a treatment for mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.
Drug law reform adjournment speech
Since the last Parliament we have lost five lives in New South Wales to suspected drug overdoses at music festivals. In response the Premier said she had no evidence before her to prove that pill testing worked and ruled out a trial. I thought I would go and find the...
Government must step in on Packer’s Crown Sale: Greens
The Government must assure the public that it is investigating whether James Packer’s Crown Casino sale doesn’t breach any agreements in place and is in the State’s best interest said Greens MLC Cate Faehrmann.
Cate Faehrmann moves to scrap lockout laws
Greens MLC Cate Faehrmann has moved to repeal the lockout laws which prevent patrons from entering a venue in the inner city and Kings Cross after 1:30 am.
Sydney water restrictions too little too late: Greens
The Level 1 water restrictions to be imposed by the NSW Government on 1 June do not go far enough in protecting Sydney’s water supply, Greens MP and water spokesperson Cate Faehrmann said today.
NSW State of the Environment Report Scores F for Fail
The Berejiklian Government’s policies of allowing unchecked land clearing, clearing of koala habitat in public forests and rampant over development are to blame for an alarming increase in the number of threatened species in NSW, says Greens MP and environment spokesperson Cate Faehrmann.