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Koala Underpasses Must Be Built Before Development

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Cate Faehrmann
NSW Greens MP
2 December 2021

Today’s commitment by the NSW Government to enact all 31 of the Chief Scientist & Engineer’s recommendations to protect Campbelltown’s Koalas is welcome news for the community and koalas, however underpasses must be built and koala corridors protected before Lendlease starts any development, says Cate Faehrmann Greens MP and spokesperson for Environment and Wildlife. 

The new measures will form part of the Cumberland Plain Conservation Plan and include commitments to build koala underpasses on Appin road and protect the east-west koala corridors.  The commitment comes after the NSW Legislative Council passed a Greens motion calling on the Government to ensure the underpasses are built and corridors protected prior to the development. 

The Motion is below and a video of the speech is linked here. 

“This is a welcome news for local residents who have been working tirelessly to see Campbelltown’s koalas protected for years now. They’ve been demanding more be done to protect this vital koala population from development and they’re being heard,” said Ms Faehrmann. 

“There is a serious desire to see Campbelltown’s koalas protected from the threats posed by development in the south west Sydney Growth centre. 

“Just a few weeks ago, the NSW Upper House overwhelmingly supported my motion calling for Appin Rd koala underpasses and corridors to be in place before construction begins. 

“This latest commitment by the government is welcome but there are still questions over when the corridors and crossings will be completed. The government has known about how deadly Appin Rd has been for koalas for years and have sat on their hands while koalas continue to be killed. 

“If the necessary protections aren’t in place before development begins the koala population will be hugely impacted by construction activities. 

“Lendlease should not be allowed to put a shovel in the ground until these underpasses are in place,” said Ms Faehrmann. 

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Cate Faehrmann
NSW Greens MP
2 December 2021


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