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Dungowan Dam Dead in the Water

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Cate Faehrmann
NSW Greens MP
17 August 2022

In a win for the community, the environment and good governance, the Dungowan Dam project looks dead in the water after Infrastructure Australia released its scathing Evaluation Summary of the dam today, says Cate Faehrmann, Greens MP and water spokesperson. 

Last week Cate Faehrmann secured the release of the Dungowan Dam Summary Business Case which revealed the $1.3 billion dam would only produce 27 cents of benefit for every dollar spent. 

The Federal Water Minister stated last week that she was awaiting Infrastructure Australia’s assessment of the project before making a decision on the Commonwealth contributing 50% of the dams costs. 

“It’s disgraceful that the National Party has squandered the opportunity to drought proof Tamworth. Instead they wasted millions of taxpayers dollars and years of work chasing this white elephant of a project,” said Cate Faehrmann. 

“It's been clear from the start that the dam was a dud. This evaluation clearly shows that National Party Ministers rigged the process in favour of building a dam because it was the only option that would benefit their irrigator mates. 

“This must be the final nail in the coffin for building a new Dungowan Dam, with next to zero chance of receiving federal after this scathing report.  I’m sure the NSW Treasurer can think of better ways to spend $1.3 billion. 

“For years the Greens have urged the government to consider more cost effective and sustainable alternatives to this dam. 

“There’s no time to waste before the next drought. This report highlights the need to consider alternatives like recycled waste water, buybacks and efficiency measures. Now the Minister needs to put these on the table. 

“This is yet another example of why the National Party should not be in control of water,” said Cate Faehrmann. 

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Cate Faehrmann
NSW Greens MP
17 August 2022


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