Dungowan Dam Cancellation a Win for Communities and Common Sense
The cancellation of Dungowan Dam is a win for communities and for common sense says Cate Faehrmann, Greens MP and water spokesperson, after NSW Minister for Water Rose Jackson announced that the Government would not be going ahead with the project in Question Time in the NSW Legislative Council today.
The announcement comes after the federal government removed $595 million of funding for the Dungowan Dam project in last night's Federal Budget as a result of the business case failing to provide sufficient support for construction of the project.
“This is a huge win for the community, science and common sense. This project never stacked up and it’s a relief to see it finally placed on the scrap heap,“ said Cate Faehrmann.
“It’s shameful that the National Party’s obsession with dams has seen millions of dollars and precious time wasted on pursuing this white elephant project that never had a hope in hell of being built.
“Now that Dungowan is off the table the NSW government needs to commit to delivering alternative water security infrastructure for Tamworth starting with meeting Tamworth City Council’s funding demands to build an industrial water recycling plant,” said Ms Faehrmann.