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Government must step in on Packer’s Crown Sale: Greens

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Cate Faehrmann
NSW Greens MP
31 May 2019

The Government must assure the public that it is investigating whether James Packer’s Crown Casino sale doesn’t breach any agreements in place and is in the State’s best interest said Greens MLC Cate Faehrmann.

“It was a clear condition of Crown’s VIP Gaming Agreement to not have any association with Stanley Ho or his associates. How on earth could the son of Stanley Ho not be considered an associate?” said Greens MP and gambling spokesperson Cate Faehrmann.

“Serious concerns were raised about Ho’s alleged links to organised crime. Surely these have not gone away.

“This is an example of the extremely wealthy and powerful thinking they can flout the law because the government will let them get away with it.

“With the NSW government set to receive $1 billion in licence fees over 15 years this mob probably doesn’t have the backbone to challenge the hand that feeds them.However this sale must be urgently investigated.

“For the government to remain silent and allow James Packer to get away with this sale without thorough scrutiny is unconscionable,” said Ms Faehrmann.


Contact: Jacob Miller, 0428 837 292

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Cate Faehrmann
NSW Greens MP
31 May 2019



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