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Pages tagged "Parliament"


Bushfires and Threatened Species - Question Without Notice

Ms CATE FAEHRMANN (16:15:07): My question is directed to the Minister representing the Minister for Energy and Environment, the Hon. Don Harwin.


Koalas Need Urgent Intervention to Save Remaining Habitat

Chair of the NSW Parliamentary Inquiry into Koala Populations and their Habitat, Greens MP Cate Faehrmann says that the government must protect koala habitat from logging, development and land clearing if koalas are going to be saved from extinction.


Murray-Darling Basin plan adjournment

Ms CATE FAEHRMAN: The Murray-Darling Basin Plan came about because of a series of environmental crises that jolted a nation into action.What happened next is nothing short of criminal.


MUSIC FESTIVALS BILL 2019 second reading debate

Ms CATE FAEHRMANN (14:53:47): On behalf of The Greens I speak in debate on the Music Festivals Bill 2019.


Banksia Mental Health Unit – Question without notice

Ms CATE FAEHRMANN: My question without notice is directed to the Minister for Mental Health, Regional Youth and Women.


Letter to the Premier Koalas in Braemar


Medicinal cannabis access in NSW - Private Members Statement

Since 2016 medicinal cannabis has been legal in New South Wales. Despite this, significant barriers to its access remain. 


Greens move to declare a climate emergency


Water supply security - Adjournment Speech

As I speak communities throughout rural New South Wales are living in fear that they may not have water as early as next month.