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Pages tagged "environment"


Regional NSW Set for Toxic Incinerators to Burn Sydney’s Waste

News that no toxic Waste to Energy incinerators will be built in Sydney is welcome, but should not mean the regions are lumped with the burden of burning waste, says Cate Faehrmann Greens MP and spokesperson for Waste and Pollution after the release of the NSW Government’s Energy from Waste...


Greens give notice of bill for a Great Koala National Park

Cate Faehrmann Greens MP and spokesperson for the Environment & Wildlife visited the Great Koala National Park Visitor & Information Centre at Urunga today to announce that the Greens will introduce a bill to establish the Great Koala National Park on the Mid North Coast of NSW. 


Labor and the Government unite to avoid voting on Greens bill to ban coal and gas on the Liverpool Plains

In a cynical move to avoid having to vote on a Greens bill to ban coal and gas mining and exploration on the Liverpool Plains ahead of the Upper Hunter byelection, the Labor, Liberal and National parties have united to send the bill to inquiry says Cate Faehrmann, Greens MP...


‘Insider Trading’ in Biodiversity Offsets must be Investigated: Greens

Revelations by The Guardian showing land in western Sydney was sold as biodiversity offsets for millions of dollars more than what it was bought for by individuals who worked for the environmental consultancy recommending the offsets, essentially amounts to insider trading and must be urgently investigated, says Greens MP and...


Greens Call on all Parties to Say No to Hunter Gas Pipeline & Yes to Bill to Ban All Coal & Gas on the Liverpool Plains

Greens MP Cate Faehrmann visited the Liverpool Plains on Monday with Greens candidate for the Upper Hunter, Councillor Sue Abbott to meet with local farmers facing the prospect of the Hunter Gas Pipeline running through their property and to state the Greens opposition to the pipeline.


Government sets Koalas up for extinction

A new Koala SEPP just released by the Government is a win for the logging industry and a huge loss in the fight to save koalas from extinction in NSW, said Cate Faehrmann Greens MP and Spokesperson for the environment.


Great Koala National Park essential for koala’s survival in NSW: Koala Inquiry Chair

The NSW Environment Minister Matt Kean and the Minister for Forestry John Barilaro must sit down and come to an agreement to establish a Great Koala National Park after a report released today into the economic and environmental benefits of the proposed park found it would create nearly 10,000 jobs...


Government Fails to Adopt Consensus Recommendations of NSW Koala Inquiry: Has No Plan to Save Koalas from Extinction

The Government’s response to the NSW Upper House Inquiry into Koala Populations and their Habitat, released today, indicates it has no intention of acting upon many key recommendations made by the Committee in order to stop koalas becoming extinct in NSW before 2050, Greens MP and Committee Chair Cate Faehrmann...


Koalas Can’t Cope with More Habitat Loss

The back down by the NSW Liberals on the new Koala SEPP Guidelines to demands by the National Party means the future of the Koala in NSW is looking even more bleak, says Cate Faehrmann Greens MP and Chair of the NSW Upper House Inquiry into Koalas. 


Extremely Reassuring the Govt is acting to Save Koalas from Extinction Says Koala Inquiry Chair

It’s extremely reassuring to see the NSW Premier and her Planning and Environment Ministers taking the findings and recommendations from the recent Parliamentary Inquiry into Koalas seriously, including not giving in to an ultimatum to weaken koala habitat protection laws, Chair of the Inquiry and Greens MP Cate Faehrmann said....