Pages tagged "drugs"
Special Commission of Inquiry into the Drug Ice Private Member's Statement
Ms CATE FAEHRMANN (15:09:59): I have before me a very important report that the Government has just released. It is the report of the special commission of inquiry into crystal methamphetamine and other amphetamine-type stimulants, or ice, which Special Commissioner Dan Howard, SC, has been inquiring into for the past 14 months...
Amnesty Bins Are Not Enough to Save Lives
Today’s announcement that the NSW Government will introduce amnesty bins at music festivals will not be effective at reducing harm and may simply lead to an increase in policing without other harm reduction measures also being introduced, said Greens drug law reform and harm reduction spokesperson Cate Faehrmann.
Medicinal cannabis access in NSW - Private Members Statement
Since 2016 medicinal cannabis has been legal in New South Wales. Despite this, significant barriers to its access remain.