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Pages tagged "drugs"


Greens Announce Plan to Legalise Cannabis in Next Term of Parliament

Cate Faehrmann, Greens MP and drug law reform spokesperson, has today launched the Greens plan to legalise and regulate recreational cannabis in NSW. 


Pill Testing Urgently Needed after Tragic Death at Music Festival: Greens

Following the tragic news of the death of a man from a drug overdose at Sydney’s Transmission Festival this weekend, Cate Faehrmann, Greens MP and drug law reform and harm reduction spokesperson is calling on the Government to urgently implement all recommendations of the Coronial Inquest into the six deaths...


TGA Decision on Psychedelic Medicine Will Bring Relief to Thousands

The TGA’s decision today will give thousands of people access to MDMA and psilocybin therapy, says Cate Faehrmann, Greens NSW MP and drug law reform spokesperson.  The TGA announced today that from 1 July this year, medicines containing the psychedelic substances psilocybin and MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine) can be prescribed by specifically...


Fair Driving Laws for Medicinal Cannabis Patients Voted Down

The Liberal-National and Labor Parties have voted down the Greens’ bill tonight to amend the unfair prosecution of medicinal cannabis patients that would have provided them a defence against drug driving charges if they were not impaired and have taken their medicine as prescribed. 


Increase in Overdoses Highlights Urgent Need for Drug Law Reform

Thousands of deaths from drug overdoses could be prevented if the Government had the courage to legalise cannabis and decriminalise all other drugs for personal use, says Cate Faehrmann, Greens MP and spokesperson for Drug Law Reform and Harm Reduction, following today’s release of the Penington Annual Overdose Report 2021....


Police Caught Breaching RDT Procedures while Drug Testing Greens MP

Cate Faehrmmann, Greens MP and spokesperson for Harm Reduction and Drug Law Reform, has written to NSW Police Minister David Elliott and the Attorney-General Mark Speakman, calling for all tests conducted over the Nimbin Mardi Grass weekend in early May to be declared invalid after breaches by a NSW Police...

Roadside Drug Testing - letter to Minister for Police

Click on the image below to download the full letter. VIEW THE FULL LETTER


Greens MP introduces bill to legalise cannabis in NSW

Greens MP and drug law reform spokesperson Cate Faehrmann will introduce a bill into the NSW Upper House today to legalise and regulate the personal use of cannabis. This comes at a time when many jurisdictions around the world are moving to adopt various models of cannabis decriminalisation or legalisation...

ANALYSIS: Drug decriminalisation in NSW

Whether it’s called decriminalisation or not, a shift from the NSW Government towards reducing the harm from drugs - instead of heavy-handed policing - is long overdue.


Government Move on Drugs is a Game-Changer: Greens

Breaking news that the NSW Government will move away from its heavy-handed approach to personal drug use and towards a warning and fines based system for people caught with a personal quantity of illegal drugs is a game-changer, according to the Greens. As reported by Channel 7 news, the Government’s...